Hang Gliding
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British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association

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learn to fly

Learn to Fly

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Hang gliders and paragliders are fully fledged aircraft, and as with any aircraft, carefully structured professional pilot training is essential if serious accidents are to be avoided.


So how do I get started?

Whilst BHPA recreational clubs are always willing to offer advice and encouragement, initial instruction should always be undertaken at a BHPA registered school.

There is no real upper age limit provided you are reasonably fit, but by law you must be at least 14 years old before you can attempt solo flight. BHPA schools will often set their own higher age limit, often around 16.

Learning to fly a hang glider or paraglider can be great fun, and isn't as daunting as you might think, provided you receive professional instruction at a BHPA registered school.

Although the standard which you will be expected to reach will be the same in every school, the actual training programme and methods may vary, as they are determined by the type of wing you learn to fly, the launch method, and the prevailing weather on the day.

Once you have mastered controlling the glider on the ground, which isn't as easy as it looks, you will be taught to take off and land correctly. Your first flights will be in a straight line only a few feet above the ground. If you are learning to fly a hang glider, these initial flights will be tethered with the instructor able to control the glider with his tether rope.

Hang Glider

When you show that you can safely and confidently get yourself into the air and down again, your instructor will start to progress you to take-off points higher up the hill. With this extra height you will be able to learn how to turn.

A few days of practice should see you well on your way to completing the tasks for your Elementary Pilot award. You'll also be introduced to a limited amount of flying theory, usually fitted in around your practical flying instruction, and you'll complete a simple exam paper on the topics covered. Achieving Elementary Pilot award is the first step on the ladder of the BHPA Pilot Rating Scheme.

Your instructor will sign off your Elementary Pilot (EP) and Club Pilot (CP) tasks as your training progresses, and will explain how Club Coaches will carry on this function once you have gained your Club Pilot (Novice) rating, left the school, and joined your local BHPA recreational club.

You can also learn to fly in an airfield environment, using a winch to tow you aloft. Training takes less time and you can convert to hill flying later if you choose to.

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(eg. CF44)

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We strongly advise pilots under training to join, or at least get in touch with, their local BHPA recreational club as soon as possible - you don't have to wait to get qualified.

That way you can get to know your fellow pilots, and can seek their advice on the right gear to buy, and the right places to fly.

Many people may think that flying hang gliders and paragliders is impossible for people with disabilities. Nothing could be further from the truth.

For further information about the training opportunities available to people with disabilities, please visit our Flyability page.

BHPA Membership and Insurance

Students under instruction at a BHPA registered school and qualified pilots flying within a BHPA recreational club all carry £5 million 3rd-party insurance for their own peace of mind. This is automatically included in BHPA membership.

BHPA registered schools usually offer a variety of training packages. If you opt for a Elementary Pilot or a combined Elementary and Club Pilot course you can apply online for BHPA Trial Membership (3 months) or BHPA Annual Flying Membership.

Most schools also offer a one day taster course which is ideal if you are not ready to commit to a full course of training, or are unsure whether the sport is for you. When you arrive for a taster day at your chosen school your instructor will ask you to apply online for BHPA One Day Introductory Membership

BHPA One Day Introductory Membership is only valid on the day of issue. If you submit an application the previous evening, it will not be valid when you arrive at the school the next day!

If you require personal or travel insurance cover during training and beyond, this should be obtained from an independent insurance broker.

Your Health and Fitness to Fly

You should be fit and active; have good co-ordination and an alert, reasoning mind (but you don't need any previous flying experience). Although no medical examinations is required you should be in good health. If you suffer from any medical condition such as epilepsy, fainting, giddiness, high blood pressure, heart condition or diabetes you should ask your Doctor's advice.

Clothing, Food and Drink

In the course of one training day you'll have periods of intense activity - and sometimes you'll sit and wish! You may also have to contend with the chill factor of the prevailing wind, so it makes sense to go properly prepared.

Layers of light but warm shirts/sweaters mixed with a windproof on top are much better than just one or two thick heavy garments. Wearing an overall or similar is a good idea; if you have some waterproof overalls or a one-piece ski suit, so much the better.

A pair of warm gloves is essential in cooler weather, even if you take them off to fly. For hang gliding they should be made of leather or other suitable material which will not slip on the control bar. And take along a waterproof jacket that you can slip on over everything; you won't train when it's pouring with rain but sometimes low cloud over the hills can have the same effect.

Apart from all the walking that your feet are going to get, they do need to be kept dry. Good flexible hill walking or jump boots without lacing hooks (they can snag and damage suspension lines and get caught in rigging wires and harnesses) are best, though in summer trainers, preferably with ankle support, are often worn.

Training is usually conducted far away from creature comforts like warm cafes with loos. On your first day at the school, even if your instructor knows a good tea-shop in the village, make sure you bring something with you to eat and drink to sustain you through the day.

Other Sources of advice and information

The following list is just a small selection of the numerous alternative sources of advice and information about our sport available on the internet. These Facebook pages and forums are completely independent, and are not affiliated in any way to the British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association:

Last updated: 16 July 2024

BHPA Pilot Handbook
Skywings Magazine Online
Download the BHPA Elementary Training Guide
Submit an Incident Report
Information for visiting overseas hang glider and paraglider pilots
Events & Competitions Calendar
Information for UK hang glider and paraglider pilots who want to fly abroad
The BHPA is a members of the Royal Aero Club
The BHPA is a member of the European Hang Gliding and Paragliding Union
The Civil Aviation Authority Drone and Model Aircraft Code
The General Aviation Safety Council Flight Safety Magazine

© British Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association 2004 - 2025