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British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association

mock exams
mock pilot exams

BHPA Mock Pilot Rating Exams

The BHPA is keen to encourage Club Pilots to improve their knowledge of flying related subjects in order to plan their progress to Pilot rating.


What is Pilot rating?

BHPA pilots holding a Club Pilot (Novice) rating can fly unsupervised in the club environment. The BHPA strongly recommends that all Club Pilots undertake training to obtain the full "Pilot" rating. "Pilot" rated pilots are seen as being fully qualified, and therefore able to plan and execute cross country flight with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Obtaining the Pilot Rating.

There are two strands to Pilot rating: demonstrating skills attained through practical flying tasks, and demonstrating theoretical knowledge. The flying tasks are completed in the club environment, being guided by Coaches or Instructors.

Theoretical knowledge, gained through reading and lectures, is demonstrated via the BHPA Pilot exam. This exam is a multiple choice paper containing questions on airlaw and navigation, meteorology, principles of flight and general airmanship. Pilots flying with a motor (paramotors and self-propelled hang gliders) usually sit the Pilot (Power) paper, and those free flying (without a motor) sit the Generic Pilot paper. These are usually invigilated by Club Coaches.

Why online exams?

Traditionally the BHPA's exams have always been paper-based, and we plan to keep these available. Making an online system for exams is part of a general move for the Association towards making the best use of technology available to us.

Our mock exams are free to take. Please choose the Pilot or Pilot (Power) exam by clicking the links below. This will take you to the Classmarker website where you can enter your name. If you submit your email address, we can monitor the use of the exams. Any feedback you have can be emailed to us using the email address link at the end of the exam. We would encourage you to provide feedback so that we can effectively evaluate these exams.


We recommend the following resources to help to prepare for the exam. By taking the mock exam you will have an idea of the level at which the questions are pitched. The questions are all designed to address issues that you may come across in your flying career, from obtaining an accurate forecast, to safely planning a cross country flight and avoiding areas of controlled airspace.

Mock Exams

Please use the following links to access the correct mock exam for your particular discipline:

For further information about obtaining your BHPA pilot rating please speak to your local club coach, or contact one of our technical officers.

Last updated: 16 July 2024

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BHPA Pilot Handbook
The BHPA is a members of the Royal Aero Club
The BHPA is a member of the European Hang Gliding and Paragliding Union
The Civil Aviation Authority Drone and Model Aircraft Code
The General Aviation Safety Council Flight Safety Magazine

© British Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association 2004 - 2025