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British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association

membership card
your card

Your BHPA Membership Card

Your BHPA membership card contains details of the ratings, endorsements and licences that you have attained in your flying career and are currently still valid.

BHPA membership card

Whilst a hard copy of your membership card will continue to be issued for the foreseeable future, it's also available via the BHPA membership app.

Members can access the app at

BHPA membership card app

If you haven't been issued with a password, or have forgottent it, click on "forgot password" button to set-up a new password.

Once logged in, you will be able to view a digital version of your current membership card and details of your ratings and any IPPI or FAI cards you may possess.

If you are unable to reset you password, this may be because you have a new email address and haven't let the office know. In which case, please contact the office to update your email address, quoting membership number and full name.

You may sometimes also find that not all the qualifications that you thought you possessed are listed on your membership card.

Errors in the office computer system are few, but pilots can sometimes not get credited with a qualification, such as a tow endorsement, because they or the training establishment they attended have not advised the BHPA office of the qualification attained.

Shortly after you obtain a new rating or endorsement you should be issued with an up-to-date BHPA membership card showing your new qualification.

Please check that your membership card shows all the qualifications you believe you have attained.

If your membership card does not, please call the BHPA office on 0116 289 4316 to check if they have received details of your "missing" endorsement or rating.

If the Office has no trace of it, please contact the school or club where you obtained your new endorsement or rating.

Last updated: 13 July 2024

BHPA Pilot Handbook
Skywings Magazine Online
Download the BHPA Elementary Training Guide
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Information for visiting overseas hang glider and paraglider pilots
Events & Competitions Calendar
Information for UK hang glider and paraglider pilots who want to fly abroad
The BHPA is a members of the Royal Aero Club
The BHPA is a member of the European Hang Gliding and Paragliding Union
The Civil Aviation Authority Drone and Model Aircraft Code
The General Aviation Safety Council Flight Safety Magazine

© British Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association 2004 - 2025